Crip Time

Crip Club abides by Crip Time.

What is Crip Time? Crip Time was created by Alison Kafer, author of Feminist Queer Crip. Crip Time states that:

Rather than bend disabled bodies and minds to meet the clock, crip time bends the clock to meet disabled bodies and minds.

Crip Club chooses to work to Crip Time to disrupt current capitalist practices, Crip Club recognises that first and foremost we are human beings and not machines as an apparatus of capitalism. We choose to challenge professional ableist standards and We Crip Time not to simply tolerate disability in workplaces, but to open up further space for its existence, for the betterment of everyone.

You may notice that in our trailer that Crip Club states the first episode would be 4th February – Surprise! That did not happen and that is okay. We ask you to be patience as we bend time to fit our bodies and minds.

With joy,

Clare x

For further Crip Time education:

Cripping Time At Work

Six ways of looking at Crip Time

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